Friday, August 10, 2012

Bassin' with the kids

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go fishing with my kids. All three were super excited to go and couldn’t wait to get a line in the water. And who can blame them….they love it!!!!

We decided on a different piece of water on this adventure. Sure, we got into trout on the last trip, and even a few nice ones for a small stream, but you gotta change it up from time to time. And this time….we headed to Black Creek!

The fishing…fishin’ was easy and I had way too much fun watching the kids haul in fish after fish. Smallmouth, largemouth, bluegill, pumpkinseed and rock bass – they all made an appearance. And they all came to hand from professional youth fly anglers. And I say professional because that’s what they were. They cast the fly,made the fly do things that made the fish want the fly, hooked the fish, landed the fish, and even unhooked a few fish all by themselves. Who needs dad? Well I did unhook a few and take some photos….so I guess that’s something!

All in all many fish were landed and the kids had tons of fun, which by the way is what is supposed to happen when you take kids fishing.

So here are a few photos from our expedition….enjoy!

Next up…a story on midnight mousing!