I have had many opportunities to fish our fantastic WNY lake run tributaries this fall and early winter, and the fishing has again been amazing. But as the fishing slows down during the winter, I find myself going back to our equally amazing and fantastic WNY inland trout streams. It is an attraction that I cannot ignore!
The fish here are wild and rested, and more than that, they are a welcome change to the giants from the lake. And what they may lack in size they make up for in beauty. They also offer a different challenge. Precision drifts with ultra light fly gear while drifting small nymphs, midges, and scuds are a welcome change from fishin
g heavily weighted egg patterns and swinging big flies with big rods. And if the water is just right, I can have a blast trying to find some big inland fish on streamers. It isn’t a numbers game, it’s purely about getting bit!
So with all that said I hope to lure you in with some photos of the beauty that can be had from some of our finest WNY inland trout streams.
#18 pink scud and brown
A big 18" inland brown that couldn't refuse a big streamer
A beautiful wild brown
A #16 red worm pattern does the trick
This is an awesome post Brian. Excellent images.
Thanks Adam!
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