After a long winter of chasing trout, both inland and tributary fish, I have turned my attention to my fly boxes. They are about half full. This is a problem!
With only a few weeks left until we start seeing the first mayflies come off our local trout streams here in western New York, I am in a state of....well, panic! I have only a few patterns to get me bye, and that is not good especially when you pride yourself on being prepared. I could give you any number of excuses as to why I have not prepared myself, but why bother you with stories of renovating bathrooms, painting, work and three kids. That won't help me put flies in my boxes!
I could try and convince some of my friends to give me some of their flies. Ones that they have been tying for months in preparation for spring. Like my friend Luke, who apparently has all of his boxes full to bursting with wonderfully tied dries, emergers, nymphs and spinners. He doesn't need all of those....does he?
Even though my friends probably will give me a few flies, there is nothing like getting that first trout to rise to a dry fly that you tied yourself. And I'm so ready for that first fish on a dry!!!
Besides our fishing schedules don't always match up. So I need to get busy and tie for the up and coming season of hatches!
Oh yeah...the photo is of some hair wing march browns that I tied yesterday. More to come!
See ya
great looking hairwings. You may have to let me cast a couple of those this spring... I have never tried that pattern before. I know what you mean about catching fish on your own dry, nothing like it!
I will give you some to try when we meet up again my friend.
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